The house is starting to look very smart on the outside meanwhile, on the inside there is a huge amount of activity.

It is all systems go upstairs as we get the floor prepared for the screed. Ebi and Charlie worked all hours to get the insulation ready. Everyone leant a hand to get the tape on the insulation joints at the last moment.

The shower trays are raised ready to be set in the screed. Just in time ...

...because the screeders arrive.

They start quicky, with a very dry screed mix

which is reinforced with D49 mesh.

This is then levelled. Unfortunately, the screed mix was a bit rough so a smooth finish wasn't achieved. Hmm, the level doesn't look quite right; it will need to be checked when it's set.

Meanwhile, Ebi is busy with the hinges for the garage door.

Charlie is busy fixing the panel on top of the solar thermal pipes in the utility room.

The new beautiful garage door closes on another day on site. Ebi and Charlie go home for a well-deserved rest.
All are doing their best but i am very much impressed by Ebi's work. I think he is doing the best.