The start of another sunny morning sees Tobias and Stefan laying the roof tiles on the side that they started yesterday.

You can see from the back how big the house is especially when you think back to our old bungalow.

Time constraints have meant that the garden has slipped a lot! I think we may need a rotavator before too long... or even better a sheep!

How's this for gorgeous guttering. It is all ready to connect to the drains that James left in place ready to go to the harvesting tank.

Neil and his team have a break in the sunshine after attaching the solar panels. The pipes are then fed through the roof ready to go downstairs to where the cylinder will be in the utility.

The porch is put in place and then painted by Michael.
Here is the result of their work; a lovely shiny twin walled flue. The stove will come later when we have prepared the floor.
The roof is done!
That was a busy day with 11 workers on site but everyone seemed to work around each other despite the language barrier. Even the sockets for everyone's electric tools were different. Tomorrow is Michael, Stefan, Tobias and Alex's last day before they return to Germany ready to start another project!
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