It was another day of decorating today. Brian worked very hard and has managed to get all the decorating done upstairs (except for bathroom walls that need malervlies first). The staircase in particular looks stunning. I am really looking forward to seeing the whole house looking like this!

Meanwhile, despite having a trip to the dentist and lots of phonecalls to catch up on, we managed to make a start on the kitchen units. Thanks to Brian's advice we are learning some new decorating skills and finding out how important it is to have the right tools! Anyway, we made a start on the units and hopefully will do more over the weekend. It will be lovely to see the units in place, I can't wait.

As we start dreaming about moving in, some caterpillars have beaten us to it. There are loads of them on this ragwort outside the sittingroom. A quick internet search reveals that they are Cinnabar moth caterpillars. It is amazing how much more diverse the wildlife and insect life in particular has become since we've been neglecting the garden! It is the cheapest and quickest way yet devised to increase our green credentials!
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